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Spotted under the stars - Phát hiện dưới những vì sao

In support of Education for Nature Vietnam

40 x 50cm acrylic on canvas


Civets tiptoe through the night to dine under the stars while the world sleeps. 


Owson's civets are rescued by The Carnivore and Pangolin Conservation Program (CPCP) is operated and managed through a collaborative partnership between Cuc Phuong National Park and Save Vietnam’s Wildlife and is recognised globally as a world leader in pangolin research and captive care. CPCP is dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing back to the wild carnivores and pangolins confiscated from the illegal wildlife trade. It is also developing global conservation breeding programs for these threatened species. 


$285  -  30% of proceeds  will go to Education for Nature Vietnam who work to stop the killing of wildlife and who run an education programme to change local attitudes to the animals and their environments.

The price includes worldwide shipping.

Spotted under the stars - Phát hiện dưới những vì sao

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